
Hi. I'm Ali.

Immense Gratitude 🍕🍕 A Personal Note + A Gift Guide

Published 23 days ago • 2 min read

Friends, hello.

Where to begin? First, when faced with the difficult decision at Tartine last week, I went with the morning bun and a cup of black coffee. No regrets. I had forgotten that Tartine flavors these buns with orange zest, and the combination of the citrusy sugar with the flaky, sweet pastry is, well, just heavenly.

Second, earlier this week I learned that Pizza Night made The New York Times bestseller list. More than joy, I felt extreme gratitude. I truly have never felt so much support in my life, and I am so grateful.

Every week for the past six months here in this newsletter, I have asked you (gently I hope) to pre-order Pizza Night, noting the importance of pre-orders for successfully launching a new book. This week, as books began arriving, you emailed and texted and messaged me photos of your books on your countertops or on your work desk or out in the wild, and seeing these photos, as cliche as it sounds, meant the world. When my editor called to share the news, I burst into tears.

Thank you thank you thank you.

This has been an emotional few weeks not only because I have felt overwhelmed by the support I have felt from all of you but also because my dad died earlier this month, on the morning of the eclipse in fact. He was old, and in the past few years, his dementia and physical health had declined dramatically. When his health took a turn for the worse just before Easter, I went to Connecticut to spend time with him and my siblings. We passed the time singing while my brother played guitar, walking to the corner store for coffee and snacks, and laughing/crying at the silly questions — What's the plan for the day? — my father, who could barely move his body, would ask repeatedly.

My father was not a cook — like honestly didn't know how to fry an egg — but when we spent weekends at his house, he always made sure we were well fed, whether it was Chinese takeout or Stouffer's French Bread Pizzas. And while he was not the most outwardly affectionate human, I never doubted his love, which he showed with his actions — with his tireless stamina for ping pong with my siblings and me, with his dedication to teaching us bridge, and with his endless appetite for Journey Through Europe, which I think he hoped might improve our poor understanding (by his British standards) of geography. I will miss him dearly.

Friends, thank you once again for everything. xo

Mother's Day Gift Guide

Thank You

Thank you to all who have ordered Pizza Night.

Pizza Night Book Tour

5 Free Resources Available to You

Hi. I'm Ali.

Bread enthusiast. Vegetable lover. Omnivore. If the kitchen is your happy place, you're in good company. Let's hang.

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